Recurring Waste Removal Service
Plans starting at $50/month. No contracts - cancel anytime. Billed monthly.
Select the frequency you’d like for cleanup, how many dogs you have, and the size of your yard (explained below).
Yard Size Chart Approximation
Small: 0 to 1,500 square feet
Medium: 1,501 to 3,000 square feet
Large: 3,001 to 6,000 square feet
Extra Large: 6,001 square feet and above
REMINDER: This will be billed monthly on the calendar day the order was placed.
Plans starting at $50/month. No contracts - cancel anytime. Billed monthly.
Select the frequency you’d like for cleanup, how many dogs you have, and the size of your yard (explained below).
Yard Size Chart Approximation
Small: 0 to 1,500 square feet
Medium: 1,501 to 3,000 square feet
Large: 3,001 to 6,000 square feet
Extra Large: 6,001 square feet and above
REMINDER: This will be billed monthly on the calendar day the order was placed.
Plans starting at $50/month. No contracts - cancel anytime. Billed monthly.
Select the frequency you’d like for cleanup, how many dogs you have, and the size of your yard (explained below).
Yard Size Chart Approximation
Small: 0 to 1,500 square feet
Medium: 1,501 to 3,000 square feet
Large: 3,001 to 6,000 square feet
Extra Large: 6,001 square feet and above
REMINDER: This will be billed monthly on the calendar day the order was placed.